By Guy Sternberg with James W. Wilson

Trees are natural focal points of any landscape — living structural elements. They inspire an appreciation of nature as well as providing food and shelter for wildlife. For all these reasons, the choice of a tree for your landscape should be carefully considered.

Many common native trees are just as beautiful as cultivated exotics. Since they have evolved with local conditions and are well adapted to their climate, they often require less maintenance and won’t escape to invade a balanced ecosystem. The authors’ extensive horticultural knowledge is distilled in this comprehensive cross section of trees native to North America, from the Atlantic to the Rockies and from northern Canada to the Gulf Coast, including the American chestnut.

The main section of the book is divided into tree profiles, each describing flowers and fruit, native and adaptive range, culture, and problems. The authors also list the best seasonal features whether a tree has striking bark in winter, for example, or bright fruit in fall. In all, more than 650 species and varieties, and more than 500 cultivars, are discussed.

Media reviews

“This gorgeous guide should prove popular with gardeners and nature lovers alike.

— Lawrence Looks at Books, July 2004

“It is well written, and may help us achieve better plant diversity in our communities because it certainly inspires to plant more interesting species than the sugar maple or pin oak.

— Jeneen Wiche, January 31, 2005

“What a beautiful book. This is truly a labor of love.”

— Brad Hendricks, City Trees, Nov/Dec, 2004

“This in-depth technical book is attractive without sacrificing utility.”

— Mary Ann Fink, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 8, 2005

“This is much more than a picture book; the descriptions are thorough and written in a conversational style often punctuated with humor.”

— Timothy Howard, The Quarterly Review of Biology, December 2004


**To purchase an inscribed and signed copy of Native Trees for North American Landscapes contact Guy Sternberg or contact Timber Press, Shipping is available upon request at an additional fee.

Regular Price: $59.95 + tax

Member Special: $50

Native Trees for North American Landscapes

By Guy Sternberg with James W. Wilson

552 pp, Hardcover

ISBN: 0-88192-607-8

©2004 Timber Press, Inc.,

133 S.W. Second Ave.  Suite 450

Portland, Oregon 97204-3527.

(503) 227-2878, (800) 327-5680